Sunday, September 23, 2007

A-viking we shall go

I was hit with an inspiration last night while doing the dishes and talking to my husband: perhaps B.Major would enjoy reading Norse sagas. When I first read them in college I was struck with how totally different they were from anything in modern (for me, post-1453) literature. They are totally narrative and psychological introspection and character self-analysis is practically nil. Fine reading for an aspie boy. Even the genealogical asides could be displayed graphically, on a chart.

On my husband's advice we started with Laxdaela. We got about 25 pages into it. He seemed to grasp the idea that it was almost like the old west. "They went west in search of land".

This may lend itself to an interesting unit study. Viking ships. Maps. Pagan/prechristian winter traditions. Long-hall building. Barn burning (whoops scratch that).

A trip to the library is indicated.

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